CSR news from 03/01/2024

Charles Lorin
March 1, 2024

1. Blocking the European Duty of Vigilance Directive

The draft European directive on corporate duty of care was rejected, despite the expectations placed in it as a pillar of the European GreenDeal.

Source : Novethic - "Europe's duty of care rejected after a U-turn by member states".

2. Feminization of CAC40 Comexes

Despite some progress, women are still under-represented on CAC40 executive committees, with only 6.25% of chairmen and CEOs being women.

Source: RSE Magazine - "Féminisation des comités exécutifs : 16 entreprises du CAC40 ont dépassé les 30% de femmes au Comex" (Feminization of executive committees: 16 CAC40 companies have surpassed the 30% mark for women on the Comex)

3. Havas Risks Losing B-Corp Certification

Havas could see its B-Corp certification revoked following its partnership with oil company Shell, calling into question its CSR commitments.

Source : Novethic - "B-Corp could withdraw Havas' certification because of its fossil fuel contracts"

4. IFD Investor Impact Charter

The Sustainable Finance Institute has published a charter guiding investors towards practices aligned with the Paris Agreements and the SDGs.

Source : RSE Magazine - "The Institut de la Finance Durable publishes its Investor Impact Charter".

5. Demand for Impact Professions on the rise

Job vacancies in CSR and sustainable finance rose by 40% in 2023, reflecting a dynamic job market in these sectors.

Source : YouMatter - "Employment: impact professions are recruiting!

6. SSE Sector concerns about budget cuts

The social economy sector is voicing its concerns following the French government's announcement of 10 billion euros in budget cuts.

Source: L'info Durable - "10 billion euro budget cut: concerns of the SSE sector".

7. Luxury Pushed Towards Greater Responsibility

Luxury consumers are increasingly demanding that brands demonstrate their social relevance and commitment to important causes.

Source: RSE Magazine - "Luxury: buyers increasingly concerned by social issues".

8. Ecological Training for Engineers

It's crucial that current engineers are trained in ecological issues, so that they can adapt their skills to the new demands of the market.

Source : Novethic - "Ecological training a must for engineers already in the job market".

9. UN "IPCC" for Chemical Pollution

The UN plans to set up an intergovernmental group of experts to advise on chemical pollution, similar to the IPCC for climate.

Source : Novethic - "The UN is working to create a 'Giec' for chemical pollution".

10. Agriculture Defined as a Major General Interest

Emmanuel Macron proposes to classify agriculture as a "major general interest" of the Nation, a measure that could influence environmental regulations.

Source : Vert - "A promise to farmers that could threaten the environment".