
Our Guides

All our practical guides to help you set up extra-financial reporting, prepare for certifications, etc.

A guide to understanding PDCA and applying it to carbon management

Discover how to implement a Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) improvement cycle through a concrete example: carbon management.
August 21, 2024

English : CSRD - Introduction and practical guide by Beavr

🇬🇧 This English-language guide provides information on how the CSRD works, as well as practical advice.
July 17, 2024

A guide to drawing up a responsible purchasing policy

Find out how to draw up a responsible purchasing policy to minimize your environmental and social impact.
Pierre Poirmeur
June 27, 2024

A guide to drawing up an ethics charter

Find out all our tips for drafting a solid ethical charter that meets your company's challenges.
Pierre Poirmeur
June 27, 2024
Other resources

Free and confidential EcoVadis scorecard analysis

Our EcoVadis experts offer you a free, confidential analysis of your EcoVadis scorecard.
Lisa Venturi
June 11, 2024

The 5-step guide to a successful preparation

🇬🇧 This English-language guide provides advice on how to prepare for an EcoVadis assessment in 5 steps.
Pierre Poirmeur
May 23, 2024

A guide to drafting your HR policy

In this guide, discover our experts' advice for drafting your HR policy.
Pierre Poirmeur
May 24, 2024
Other resources

The employee handbook guide

The complete guide to writing the perfect employee handbook.
Pierre Poirmeur
May 14, 2024
Other resources

The guide to a coherent, high-impact environmental policy

An environmental policy is one of the cornerstones of a CSR strategy. Here's our guide to creating one.
Will Hepworth
May 23, 2023
ESG reporting

100 ESG indicators to track

For companies who want to introduce extra-financial reporting, but don't know where to start.
Will Hepworth
January 23, 2023

Introduction: the practical guide to anticipating CSRD.

This guide shares practical advice on how to anticipate CSRD and define your double materiality matrix.
Will Hepworth
November 13, 2023

The 5-step guide to successful preparation

The EcoVadis assessment is an essential step for companies. Here's our 5-step guide to preparation.
Will Hepworth
January 24, 2023
ESG reporting

A guide to successful environmental reporting

For companies who want to introduce extra-financial reporting, but don't know where to start.
Pierre Poirmeur
January 23, 2023
ESG reporting

Formalize your CSR approach in 17 documents

Documentary evidence is essential for CSR certification.
Pierre Poirmeur
June 7, 2023

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