CSR News 08/03/2024

Charles Lorin
March 8, 2024

1. Women's Entrepreneurial Dynamics in France

BpiFrance reveals that 28% of French women are involved in an entrepreneurial dynamic, narrowing the gap with men in this area and highlighting notable progress since 2018.

Source: L'Info durable - "More than one in four Frenchwomen are involved in an entrepreneurial dynamic".

2. Billionaire Tax Discussed at G20

At a G20 meeting in Brazil, the idea of a global tax on billionaires to finance the fight against poverty and the ecological transition received the support of major political figures.

Source : Radio France - "At the G20, a proposed tax on billionaires".

3. Legislation against Fast Fashion

A bill in France aims to regulate fast fashion, particularly the practices of Chinese e-commerce platforms, by envisaging advertising restrictions and financial penalties.

Source : Novethic - "To regulate fast-fashion, we need to define it properly".

4. Greenblaming, the new critical trend in ecology

Greenblaming" has been identified as a practice aimed at blaming ecology for various social and economic problems, calling climate action into question.

Source: Novethic - "Greenblaming: when ecology becomes a scapegoat".

5. Telework and Gender Equality

A study shows that teleworking, which has become common practice post-Covid, particularly benefits women by offering a better work-life balance.

Source : Le Monde - "Le télétravail se conjugue un peu mieux au féminin" (in French)

6. Digital Markets Act: Reactions from the Tech Giants

The entry into force of the Digital Markets Act in the EU has provoked reactions from major technology companies, who are challenging the new regulations limiting their market influence.

Source : Novethic - "Faced with the Digital Markets Act, the giants strike back".

7. Sponsorship and CSR

The proposed law to include support for public-interest organizations in companies' extra-financial performance declarations could strengthen the link between corporate philanthropy and CSR.

Source : CareNews - "Extra-financial reporting: towards a valuation of corporate support for public-interest structures?"

8. Total en Justice pour Devoir de Vigilance

Total is facing a trial in Paris to determine whether the company is complying with its duty of care obligations, particularly with regard to its ecological impacts.

Source : Reporterre - "Total in court: should it pay for its ecological damage?"

9. Interest rates and ecological transition

An opinion piece proposes applying differentiated interest rates to encourage green investment, thereby promoting a faster, more efficient ecological transition.

Source : Le Monde - ""The ECB could apply lower interest rates to the refinancing of bank loans allocated to the ecological transition""

10. Single-serve packaging banned from restaurants by 2030

The EU has reached an agreement to ban single-use plastic packaging in cafés and restaurants by 2030, aiming to significantly reduce plastic pollution.

Source : Le Monde - "Pollution plastique : l'Union européenne se fixe des objectifs pour endiguer l'explosion des emballages" (Plastic pollution: the European Union sets targets to curb the packaging explosion)