CSR News 03/15/2024

Charles Lorin
March 15, 2024

1. Promoting gender equality in the workplace

Youmatter proposes five approaches to improving gender equality in the workplace, including an analysis of the current situation, the promotion of women to management positions, equal pay, the fight against ordinary sexism, and a new approach to parenthood.

Source : Youmatter - "Égalité femmes-hommes : 5 mesures à mettre en place en entreprise" (in French)

2. French companies' expectations of Europe

The Direction Générale des Entreprises (DGE) reveals that 76% of French companies want greater strategic autonomy and technological leadership from the EU, with a call to simplify legislation and support the ecological transition.

Source : Le Figaro - "French companies want European policies focused on autonomy and transition"

3. French companies and the SDGs

A study by the UN Global Compact - Réseau France and PwC shows that 75% of companies find that the Sustainable Development Goals make their CSR initiatives more relevant, integrating these goals into their strategy.

Source : Carenews - "How companies have embraced sustainable development goals

4. Ecological Transformation of Professions

Experts agree on the need to move from awareness-raising to ambitious CSR training for all professions, to meet the growing demand for sustainability skills.

Source : Novethic - "From awareness-raising to the ecological transformation of businesses, the new CSR challenge".

5. ETIs' commitment to sustainability and inclusion

METI and the "Les entreprises s'engagent" community have formed a partnership to encourage mid-sized companies to make a greater commitment to sustainable development and inclusion.

Source : RSE Magazine - "METI and Les entreprises s'engagent, a partnership for a more inclusive society and a sustainable world".

6. CSRD: An Opportunity for French Companies

The C3D stresses that European CSRD regulations can be beneficial for French companies, offering a competitive advantage and a better understanding of the value chain.

Source : Youmatter - "CSRD, a tool for sustainable transformation above all else".

7. Global Sobriety Laboratory by an IPCC Scientist

IPCC scientist Yamina Saheb launches a global laboratory to integrate sobriety into ecological planning, highlighting four essential pillars for a sustainable transition.

Source: Novethic - "Researcher Yamina Saheb launches a Global Laboratory for Sobriety".

8. Hygienic precariousness in France: Record level

The Dons Solidaires barometer reveals an alarming level of hygiene precariousness in France, inviting companies to contribute to improving this situation through their CSR policies.

Source: Carenews - "Baromètre 2024 : la précarité hygiénique atteint des niveaux records" (2024 barometer: hygiene precariousness reaches record levels)

9. Cour des Comptes Criticizes Government Climate Action

The Cour des Comptes (French Audit Office) points the finger at the insufficient role of the French State in climate action, calling for more assertive and coordinated planning to tackle the climate emergency.

Source : Reporterre - "Crise climatique : " L'État ne joue pas son rôle ", alerte la Cour des comptes" (Climate crisis: the State is not playing its role, warns the French Audit Office)

10. Europe Authorizes "Mega-Trucks

The European Parliament has approved a directive allowing 60-tonne, 25-metre trucks on freeways, raising concerns about the environmental impact of this decision.

Source: Novethic - "Green light for "mega-trucks" in Europe: an ecological counter-sense?"