CSR news of 02/23/2024

Charles Lorin
February 23, 2024

1. CSR commitment by company size

An Audencia study reveals that VSE employees perceive a more significant CSR commitment in their companies compared to large corporations, underlining the importance of internal CSR communication.

Source: RSE Magazine - "L'engagement RSE en entreprise : une question de taille et de hiérarchie" (CSR commitment in companies: a question of size and hierarchy)

2. The need to invest in gender equality

Marie Eloy argues in Les Echos for substantial financial investment in gender equality, comparable to that devoted to the ecological transition.

Source: Les Echos - "Transition vers l'égalité femmes-hommes : quels moyens ?" (Transition towards gender equality: what resources?)

3. Responsible Purchasing and the Economic Crisis

Times of crisis seem to diminish the priority given to responsible purchasing, despite growing awareness of CSR issues and increasing regulatory pressure.

Source: Novethic - "Companies: responsible purchasing put to the test by the economic and geopolitical crisis".

4. Simplification Bill and implications for the CSE

The Simplification Bill under discussion at Bercy could threaten the importance of social dialogue and CSR dynamics by weakening the prerogatives of the Social and Economic Committee (CSE).

Source : Novethic - "Dialogue social : la future loi Simplification pourrait menacer le rôle social et environnemental des CSE" (Social dialogue: the future simplification law could threaten the social and environmental role of CSEs)

5. Transparency of Listed Companies in China

China is preparing to require its listed companies to publish sustainability data, following a principle of double materiality similar to the European CSRD.

Source: Novethic - "ESG reporting: Chinese listed companies prepare to disclose their sustainability data"

6. Interactions between Labels and Mission Companies

CSR labels and certifications complement the statutory commitment of mission-driven companies, offering a holistic approach to validating companies' social and environmental contributions.

Source : La Tribune - "The mission-driven company is a gas pedal of impact research".

7. AMF and Green Finance Monitoring

The Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) is calling for an overhaul of the SFDR to enhance transparency in the field of sustainable finance, proposing a clearer classification of investments.

Source : L'Info Durable - "Green finance: the AMF calls for greater clarity on the SFDR".

8. EU fight against greenwashing

The European Union is stepping up its fight against greenwashing, requiring prior verification of companies' environmental claims or face severe penalties.

Source : CareNews - "Greenwashing: the European Union votes for mandatory verification of environmental claims".

9. "Impact Washing" of Investment Funds

ESMA criticizes investment funds that claim to support the SDGs without demonstrating superior social or environmental performance.

Source : Novethic - "ESMA tackles the greenwashing of ODD funds".

10. Impact of Ecological Planning on Employment

A report by the General Secretariat for Ecological Planning analyzes the impact of the ecological transition on the job market, forecasting net job creation but also challenges in terms of training and professional retraining.

Source: SGPE's "Stratégie emplois et compétences pour la planification écologique" (Jobs and skills strategy for ecological planning)