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Turn your EcoVadis assessment into a differentiating factor

Structure your CSR approach, prepare for the EcoVadis assessment with the help of our experts, and earn the EcoVadis medal you deserve.

EcoVadis accredited partner and Platinum Medal winner

Join 500+ companies managing their CSR compliance with Beavr

Our approach to preparing for theEcoVadis assessment

Identify your areas for improvement and prioritize your efforts

Map your strengths and areas for improvement with an EcoVadis-approved consultant, and draw up a precise action plan to optimize your resources by focusing on what really counts to pass your assessment. Save precious preparation time and maximize the score you can achieve.

Notes on environmental, social, ethical and responsible purchasing issues
Collaborative platform for writing and passing the EcoVadis assessment

Collaborate with your teams to centralize your evidence

Bring together all relevant stakeholders - HR, QSE, purchasing, CSR managers - on a single platform. Centralize and update all your documents, key figures and evidence, and track progress from your dashboard. No more chasing data: everything is in one place, organized and accessible.

Formalize compliant documents withintegrated expertise

Use our ready-to-use approved templates and AI wizards to quickly build solid, structured policies and procedures. Adapt your content according to EcoVadis requirements, while taking into account your specific needs. Let our experts guide you, sharing their advice on how to make your documents more consistent with your DNA.

Platform dashboard centralizing all results
Collaborative platform for writing and passing the EcoVadis assessment

Maintain or improve your performance, year after year

Use the platform to keep your content up to date and avoid duplication or loss of data. Turn your EcoVadis preparation into a real strategic asset, by capitalizing on a reusable document base for your entire CSR approach and future assessments.

Preparing with Beavr


Identification of your key sustainability issues, review of the document base and interviews (if necessary)

Training and prioritization

Training the teams involved in the project in the use of the Beavr platform and prioritizing efforts in the formalization approach.

Coach follow-up

Preparation of the assessment file with the support of your dedicated coach.

File submission

Obtain your score and roadmap to the next levels.

Post-evaluation support

Follow-up of your evaluation sheets and objectives for n+1, while helping you with changes to your pay scale.

An all-in-one solution

Beyond EcoVadis: reuse your data for all your other needs.

EcoVadis Logo


Prepare for the EcoVadis assessment with peace of mind and get the medal you deserve

CSRD logo


Comply with CSRD requirements and prepare your sustainability report directly in Beavr

CDP logo


Take advantage of Beavr's structure and expertise to prepare your CDP evaluation and obtain the best score.

GRI logo


Prepare your ISO certifications (14001, 45001, 50001) and centralize all audit information

BCorp logo


Demonstrate the soundness of your practices by adhering to the most rigorous international standard.

Beavr Logo


Frameworks tailored to your specific procedures and policies.

Beavr is the most sustainable way to ensure your compliance with customer requirements

Find out how Beavr can help you accelerate and improve your CSR and compliance processes.

EcoVadis Platinum Medal