100 ESG indicators to track
For companies who want to introduce extra-financial reporting, but don't know where to start.
In this guide you will learn :
- Find out more about the 100 ESG indicators that are essential for understanding your company's impact.
- Use them as inspiration for your own ESG reporting
- Add to and complete your ESG reporting if you already have one in place
- Create your own list of indicators based on your material subjects
1. Why did you create this tool?
Because many companies (maybe you?) want to set up extra-financial reporting, but don't know where to start.
Because with all the standards (ISO 26000, GRI, SASB, etc.) and assessments/labels (EcoVadis, B Corp, Lucie, etc.), it's not always easy to find your way around.
Because, much to our surprise, it's quite difficult to find exhaustive lists of indicators covering all the dimensions of a responsible and sustainable approach.
At Beavr, we help our customers structure their extra-financial reporting and collect ESG data.
This gives us a comprehensive view of the ESG indicators most frequently collected by companies, and the needs they serve.
In this guide, you'll find a list of 100 ESG indicators that we believe are essential to understanding your company's impact, so that you can..:
- Use them as inspiration for your own ESG reporting.
- Supplement your ESG reporting if you already have one in place.
2. Am I really obliged to collect these 100 indicators to have a credible CSR approach?
No, of course not - the number of KPIs is less important than the relevance of the impacts you're trying to measure for your business! The purpose of this tool is above all to give you examples of indicators that might be relevant to include in your reporting.
Then, it's up to you to build your own reference framework (i.e. your own list of ESG indicators) by shortening and/or adding to our selection.
We recommend that you base your repository on the following elements:
- Your materiality matrix, which will enable you to identify your company's main areas of impact, the associated risks and the indicators you need to monitor to control these risks.
- Your regulatory obligations (share of disabled workers, professional equality index, etc.).
- Stakeholder requests: customer purchasing questionnaires, EcoVadis assessment, B Corp certification, investor/lender questionnaires, etc.
- The indicators you wish to communicate on, internally or externally, to demonstrate your projects and progress.
Depending on the size of the company, its sector of activity, possible certification projects, etc., the list can change drastically from one company to another.
At beavr, the size of the list of KPIs to be collected varies from around 50 to over 400 for some of our customers.
Do you have any questions about how to build your repository? Don't panic, you can book a 15-minute slot with us via this link so you can ask them!
3. Is it possible to have more information on each indicator?
Exactly! We are continuously improving this tool - here are the planned improvements to date for each indicator:
- Correspondence with GRI standards
- Preferred calculation method
- Recommended collection frequency
- Services / departments / teams likely to have the information
See something missing? Would you like more information for your reporting?
Share your ideas and suggestions by sending an e-mail to charles.lorin@beavr.tech so that we can integrate them and improve this tool.
4. Once the repository has been established, how can we facilitate collection?
We know from experience that collecting ESG data can be time-consuming, both for the person collecting the data and for those who are asked to do so, and that it can be unchallenging, error-prone and even frustrating.
All the more so when your organization is complex, and you need to centralize information from numerous sites or entities.
This is exactly why we created beavr: we develop digital tools that enable people in charge of CSR to spend less time on low value-added tasks such as data collection, and allow them to deploy their efforts elsewhere, on high value-added tasks (raising awareness, implementing initiatives, etc.).
Curious to see how it works in practice? Book a demo!