The guide to a coherent, high-impact environmental policy

An environmental policy is one of the cornerstones of a CSR strategy. Here's our guide to creating one.

In this guide you will learn :

  • Understanding the organization's context
  • Identify and prioritize material challenges
  • Drafting the policy
  • Implement the policy

It's important to couple your environmental policy with an assessment that you can share with your partners and customers. If you'd like to be accompanied by an expert, book an appointment here.

Environmental policy is one of the cornerstones of a company's CSR strategy. Formalizing a policy enables an organization toformalize a set of commitments, principles andactions. In this way, it structures its approach, sets a clear course and, subsequently, avoids the dispersion of efforts.

This guide will help you :

👉 Use a clear and effective methodology to create your policy

👉 Implement an environmental policy consistent with the requirements of CSR assessments and those of the CSRD

👉 Understand the challenges and pitfalls of implementing a policy